Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This image shows the complete Greek alphabet. Those considering joining a Greek organization would be wise to at least have an idea about what the letters proudly worn by its members actually stand for.
This is one of a few designs that you may see on our Tshirts. This basic design shows one of our most important features. The equilateral triangle demonstrates how our three basic principles are equal in importance. The three basic principles that our fraternity was founded on are love, charity and esteem.

Video Rush Event Information Table

Video of TKE's first rush event. This event was collaborative with the other fraternities on campus. Information tables were set up for each fraternity and events were held. Games such as guitar hero and Modern Warfare 2 were set up for gentlemen to play. Pizza, pop, and cookies were provided for those in attendance.